Kocatepe Mosque, Turkey

Do you ever hear about it??

Do you ever wanna to see it by your own?? Tadaa…

This is the largest mosque in Ankara at Turkey. It can be seen from almost anywhere in central Ankara. Can’t u imagine how big this mosque and its take for two hours to get out of the area afterwards.
The idea of building the Kocatepe Mosque dates back to the 1940s. On December 8, 1944, Ahmet Hamdi Akseki, the Vice-President of Turkish Religious Affairs, along with seventy-two founding members, established a society known as the "Society to Build a Mosque in Yenişehir, Ankara." In 1947 this society called for projects to be drawn up by architects, but none of the submitted projects were accepted.
In 1956, through the efforts of the late Adnan Menderes, Prime Minister of the time, land was allocated for the project to build a mosque in Ankara, and a request for projects was made once again in 1957. This time thirty-six projects were evaluated, with the joint project of Vedat Dalokay and Nejat Tekelioğlu being chosen as the one to be implemented.
The accepted project was an innovative and modern design. The construction started, but due to heavy critique from conservatives for its modernist look, the construction was stopped at the foundation level. Vedat Dalokay later built a modified version of the Kocatepe Mosque after winning an international competition for the Shah Faisal Masjid in Islamabad,Pakistan in 1969. This mosque, which can accommodate 24,000 people, is one of the largest mosques of the world, and accepted by many as the frontiers of modern Islamic architecture.

After a third architectural competition in 1967, a more conservative or nostalgic design by Hüsrev Tayla and M. Fatin Uluengin was chosen to be built. Completed in 1987, this project is built in a neo-classical Ottoman architecture style, and is an eclectic building inspired by the Selimiye mosquein Edirne, and the Sehzade and Sultan Ahmet mosques in Istanbul.

Yes, there is an underground garage, there is also a huge shopping mall under the mosque.  This is not an odd juxtaposition, most mosques either have a shopping area under them or right next door.  After all, the faithful are commanded to go to pray five times a day...that is a lot of chances for drive-by shopping! 

Looking up to the top of the dome.  All of the indoor pictures were taken with the camera on the "night" setting, which (while it did turn out better than the blacks and grays that the standard setting produced) was not much for resolution. Its pretty..

...to set you up for a closer shot of the main chandelier.  The chandeliers have, between them, one ton of gold that was donated by local merchants as a sign of faith. 

Ton of golden in this chandelier..


 Interior design of Kocatepe Mosque..

For the traveler, don't miss your opportunity to visit this beautiful mosque...the architecture of this building is so unbelievable..grab your chance and have fun!!



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